

To contact me directly, please email me at:
I will always reply, though not always straight away if I'm busy (!) Please check your spam folder for a reply or try contacting me through social media if you don't get a response.

Social Media and Mailing List

Keep up to date with my printmaking journey...
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For in depth insight into my linocutting method, and helpful tips and assistance with your own printmaking practise, please consider supporting me on Patreon

Alternative places to buy my work online

Wychwood Art
Love From the Artist (greetings cards only)
Candlestick Press (seasonal poetry pamphlets)

Current stockists

My linocuts can be viewed at these galleries:

Spencer House Gallery, Tetbury, Gloucestershire
Obsidian Art, Stoke Mandeville, Buckinghamshire
Fitch and Fellows, Thame, Oxfordshire
The Gallery at Waterperry Gardens Waterperry, Oxfordshire