October update

8 October 2020

I have been busy creating some new artwork which you can see in my website gallery and shop, I am very pleased with all these new pieces though in truth I was hoping I would be able to create a lot more work since lockdown than I have but it wasn’t to be, as my eyes have been letting me down a bit. 

I also have two non-virtual exhibitions coming up. 
The first is Wonderful Woods at the Buckinghamshire Craft Guild in Stoke Mandeville, which opens on the 22nd October and runs until the 21st November. This is a collective exhibition with a woodland theme by the members of the craft guild. We have a sanitisation station to use as you come in and when you leave and we would ask that you please wear a mask when you visit. We are opening Tuesday – Saturday, 10am-4pm during the exhibition.

The second exhibition I would like to tell you about is The Great Print Exhibition 6. This will be my third year taking part in this large printmaking exhibition in Cumbria. It will open in late November and run through to March. This is a large venue with plenty or space and lots of printmaking to see.

Lastly, I’m planning to create another calendar for 2021. It is still in the design stages but I hope to have it completed by the end of the month. I will then be calling out for pre-orders in November, so sign up to my mailing list if you need a reminder. I plan to start posting out orders from December. 

I hope you are all staying safe and well in these strange times.

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